The Good Flow
I am not a Business Person

I am not a Business Person

It took a minute, but I’m clear about it now: I am not a business person. For a while I was frustrated and stuck in how to manage my work. I was attempting to manage my coaching practice as a business. It didn’t feel right, and -- not surprisingly -- it wasn’t...

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Imposter Syndrome, Remote Work & You

Imposter Syndrome, Remote Work & You

Imposter Syndrome, Remote Work & You Since the pandemic rolled in, as the work environment has shifted more and more towards remote work / work from home, I’m hearing more and more from my clients that they are experiencing “Imposter Syndrome” more often and more...

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Getting Skunked

Getting Skunked

I tried to go backcountry skiing yesterday. In North Carolina. It had snowed 3 days earlier with a savage (for the South) cold snap on the tail end of the snow dump. Between scheduling shenanigans and life, a few days went by before Steve and I were able to get out to...

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Why Productivity Systems are Built Like Burritos

Why Productivity Systems are Built Like Burritos

Flexible, Minimalist Productivity Systems for People Who Don’t Like -but need!- Systems I have a slightly love-hate relationship with routines and systems. I need the structure, but I crave freshness and spontaneity, even if I’m not always sure what to do with it....

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“Do Not Fear Mistakes”

“Do Not Fear Mistakes”

Mistakes are a key piece for learning. We've been trained to avoid making mistakes, but mistakes are a crucial piece of the learning experience. Miles Davis famously told players in his band there are no wrong notes. ‘Wrong notes’ are simply notes we haven’t resolved...

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    I am not a Business Person

    It took a minute, but I’m clear about it now: I am not a business person. For a while I was frustrated and stuck in how to manage my work. I was attempting to manage my coaching practice as a business. It didn’t feel right, and -- not surprisingly...